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Tag for franchising

Social Media and Business

Published under Marketing Tips on

Social media started as a fad that has become a huge part of our culture. Slang terms that didn’t exist ten years ago are now a part of our everyday vocabulary. Some of the wealthiest companies are social media platforms, and their ability to influence consumers is unprecedented. Many businesses jumped on the chance to have a social media page,…
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AI Strengths with Human Weaknesses

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It seems that these days computers can do it all. Not only do they process massive amounts of data at lightning speed, but they are starting to exhibit more human-like features. Having a unit like Amazon’s Alexa in your home can make you feel like that uncanny valley feeling. The other day I told it Alexa I graduated and she…
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Leadership and Discipline

Published under Business,Marketing Tips on

Rules are put in place to have a very specific guideline to refer to when needed. They allow us to maintain order in our household, our companies, our state, and our country. Rules are usually made with the best of intentions, either to protect people from each other or themselves. It also acts as a barrier so people can’t do…
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Artificial Intelligence and Its Role in Society

Published under The Latest in Marketing on

Whenever someone talks about Artificial Intelligence (AI) it usually conjures images of humans fighting robots for the survival of the human race (I’m looking at you, Terminator). But the truth is AI is a much broader term than just talking robots, and it is already being used in our daily lives. The general definition of AI by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary…
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Dealing with Difficult Clients

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You are speaking with a client or customer and suddenly the conversation turns sour. They are curt, flippant and aggressive. You try and keep the discussion track but it seems like you have lost control of the situation. How do you bounce back when it seems like a bridge is starting to burn right before your eyes? A difficult customer…
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Ways to Improve Workplace Equality

Published under Business,Marketing Tips on

Creating a work environment that all your employees feel safe and welcome should be the goal of every employer or company owner. A topic this significant can’t all be explained in one blog, but starting the conversation is an important first step. A crucial aspect to remember is that many people do not intend for their words or actions to…
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