Setrics Tracker January, 2019 | SAVAVO


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Archive for January, 2019

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Starting a Business

Published under Business,Marketing Tips on

Starting a new business can be exhausting, exhilarating, and very rewarding. That said, many entrepreneurs will start a business and fail because of many common mistakes that can be avoided with critical thinking and self-reflection. CEOs of extremely successful companies have been kicked out by their board, or they cut corners and were hit with lawsuits. It is important to…
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Workplace Resolutions for 2019

Published under Business,Uncategorized on

Every year, we make new goals in hopes that we will follow through all the way until December. Some goals we manage to integrate into our lives, while others we give our best shot but they don’t seem to pan out. Most goals that we make are for our personal lives, but what about committing to improving our work life…
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