Jun 1, 2018
Keeping up with business news, updates, and especially books can be a struggle when you live a very busy life, as most business professionals do. One of the best ways to keep your mind sharp with what’s going on now is reading business books that were written to help professionals such as yourself. These books can prove to be very helpful and informative, making it almost a requirement to keep up with the most popular books each year. In order to not waste your valuable time on books that will tell you the same advice you have been hearing for years, let’s go over the best of the best, the ones that are almost guaranteed to be a winner in your book. Here’s my top 5:
- When to Jump: If the Job You Have Isn’t the Life You Want by Mike Lewis. This book is the answer for many professionals who are contemplating where they are at in their career, and if what they are really doing is what they want to be doing. In our career path, we all have self-doubts along the way and question the decisions we have made, and sometimes we just need a little help and advice to figure out our next step.
- The Motivation Myth: How High Achievers Really Set Themselves Up to Win by Jeff Haden. Motivation is the topic of so many life advice speeches and lectures, so you would think that we all have it mastered? But the more that we talk about motivation the more that we get the idea that it will just appear one day. This book sets the record straight. It will give you the hard truth about how to create your own motivation and not wait around for it to show up one day.
- Tribe of Mentors: Short Life Advice From the Best in the World by Timothy Ferris. Every life advice book that you read will most likely have bits and pieces of this book in it. This book is a real treat because the author has taken the advice from all of the top business executives over the past 10 years and put it all into one book. This book is a long one, but for good reasons. How else would you fit all of that good content into one book?
- The CEO Next Door: The 4 Behaviors That Transform Ordinary People into World-Class Leaders by Elena Botelho and Kim Powell. This book is great for up and coming business leaders. Everyone has to get there somehow and the life-changing advice in this book may be just the thing you need. This book was suggested by The Gentleman’s Journal, and they give some great background for how the book came to be. The co-authors interviewed people from a pool of over 17,000 executives, and ended up with over 13,000 interview hours. And from all of that, they narrowed it down to four behaviors, just four. So if it was me, I would take advantage of their long hard research and learn these four essential behaviors.
- Outside Insight: Navigating a World Drowning in Data by Jørn Lyseggen. Adapting with the times and technology is no longer an option in this day and age. It is the future but it is also the present. The author of this book is the CEO of a media intelligence company called Meltwater. He gives first-hand insight and advice to help you stay on top in your business and even how to become ahead.