Setrics Tracker February, 2018 | SAVAVO


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Archive for February, 2018

How to Calculate Customer Lifetime Value (CLV or LTV)

Published under Uncategorized on

The laws of regular business growth are completely different than the laws of profitable business growth. The laws of regular business growth are centered in traffic and conversions while the laws of profitable growth are centered in math and science. Here is the math you should know in order calculate Lifetime Value (LTV or Customer Lifetime Value/CLV). This is the most…
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Are You Marketing Blindly?

Published under Marketing Tips on

Marketing successfully shouldn’t be guesswork. If you want to reach your target market and motivate them to action, you first must understand who you are marketing to. As you set out to define your brand’s target market, there are key points to keep in mind. Demographics are just the surface. Demographics cover the basic information of your target market: age,…
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