Setrics Tracker KNOW Guarantee | SAVAVO


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KNOW Guarantee

Knowing is a benefit stemming from the science of our system

Guessing is Gone

You will KNOW when it comes to your marketing. If you don’t know more about marketing, where you are going, what’s working, and what your path to marketing success is, within the first year, our service is free until you do.

What does this mean?

  • You will know more about your marketing’s performance.
  • You will know more about marketing in general.
  • You will always know what we are doing.
  • You will always know what’s working.
  • You will always know how to get answers.
  • No one will be guessing.

KNOW or Guess. The science of our system allows you to know. We approach, execute and measure all marketing activities from a scientific perspective. If for any reason, you are feeling that the accountability or visibility is not sufficient, please let us know so we can ensure you reach your desired level of knowledge and clarity.

KNOW Guarantee Disclaimer

First, our KNOW Guarantee implies you use our whole system. Those that don’t use our whole system, cannot expect the growth that we could otherwise deliver any more than one could expect to lose weight by dieting a percentage of the time. Secondly, please be aware that this guarantee must fall within the realm of what Savavo contractually agreed to do. Fraudulent claims will not be tolerated. Also be aware that this is not a money-back guarantee, but a guarantee on our approach and systems. Savavo implies no refunds or money-back options in conjunction with this guarantee. That said, if you don’t know more about where you are going, what’s working, and what marketing takes to be successful by working with us, then we haven’t accomplished what our system is designed to do.