“If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.”
Warren Buffett Father of Management Theory
Our Mission & Vision
- Vision Statement: Automate small businesses.
- Why Statement: Create more small business success.
Our Beliefs
- OWN YOUR BUSINESS: “We believe that freedom and profits are generated by engineering a way to get more done with less manual effort… and we believe it is worth every effort to figure out how to do that in every business.”

Our Icon
- THE COUGAR: The cougar is the ultimate symbol of our company and our goal. The cougar is the most successful and ubiquitous big cat in the world. The cougar is one of the most strategic animals in the animal kingdom and gets more from the effort and resources it spends than any animal of its kind. The cougar is at the top of the food chain and OWNS THE MARKET he is in. He lives at the top of the market, difficult to catch, difficult to chase. An extremely rare creature that few ever get to witness. The cougar is you and I. The cougar is a symbol for our journey in business and his character and approach are worthy of ultimate emulation.

“The business enterprise has two and only two basic functions: Marketing and Innovation. Marketing and innovation produce results; all the rest are costs.”
Peter Drucker Father of Management Theory